Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So we have been busy experiencing Germany and seeing and doing some new fun things (like the Kuckucksmark - this town's version of a local craft fair & festival) and some more everyday things (like getting our haircuts!). We continue to stretch and grow and Renata and I are learning lots of new vocabulary (and sometimes even Glen adds a new German word to his already huge dictionary!) As you can see in one of the pics, at the Kuckucksmark they had pony rides and Renata really enjoyed it! She sees a lot of animals here. Almost every day when we take our walk with the Grimme's dog (his name is Boss), we see ducks and chickens. The ducks love it when we bring them our stale bread to eat. Also, Renata & I both got great bicycle helmets at the Kuckucksmark from vendors selling their used wares (sort of their version of a garage sale). I got mine (lovely purple - take note Lana!) for 2 Euros and we got Renata's for 2.50 Euros! Now we just need the bicycles! We're hoping to find nice used ones when we get settled in Mainz and there are so many places around here to ride! Well, I survived my first German haircut (its really difficult when you can't tell them what you want, ya know) and we also all survived my first time driving the Passat! It was kind of cool and surreal at the same time to drive a car in a foreign country, especially after I hadn't driven for like 2 months! Anyhow, hope you'all enjoy the pictures here. We got a little behind so there is a mix here from the past few weeks of some cute and interesting moments. We'd love to hear from you via the comments and let us know you visited us!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very nice pictures. Its nice to see and watch what your up to. i was kidding with Lana if her foot isn't better i would go in her place i look the same. Ha ha . I told her to go to another dr get second opion. Love Uncle john & Sandra xoxoxo