Saturday, July 01, 2006

Here's a recent picture of us at the Empire State Plazza. Today we finally finished the "BIG" Garage Sale. Or perhaps we should say survived it. Now the packing and storing will get serious. The Garage Sale got me 5 leads on the 95 Saturn and I have a down payment on it. As of tomorrow we have 16 days till we fly. We hope to see those of you that can make it at the Aufwiedersehen Party.


Anonymous said...

Nice Photos, I guess we'll have to arrange a visit while i am in Germany. I will be visiting in August for approx 10 days. I am sure we'll find the time "auf ein oder zwei kuehle Biere "

Viel Glueck mein alter Freund, bis wir uns mal wieder treffen.

Dan G

Anonymous said...

Hooter Dooter, Hooter Scooter

This is a very nice family photo. Renata is a cutie pie!